Award winning UW Professors’ report shows Oso mudslide caused from 2006 landslide reactivation
Award winning UW Professors’ report shows Oso mudslide caused from 2006 landslide reactivation
Award winning UW Professors’ report shows Oso mudslide caused from 2006 landslide reactivation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 15, 2015 Contact: Tammie Perreault, Washington Tree Farm Program, 360-515-1340 Washington political and forestry leaders celebrate 75th anniversary of first U.S. tree farm GRAYS HARBOR – U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer
NPR: CLT Could Help Northwest Timber Industry
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – April 15, 2016 Contact: Sara Duncan, 503-371-2942, Cindy Mitchell, 360-791-9372, Lindsay VanLaningham, 916-899-4517, US Fish & Wildlife Service Decision on Fisher Recognizes Landowner Partnerships On April 14, 2016,
West Coast Population of Fisher Will Not Be Listed Under ESA
Wildfire in Washington: Rep. Dent’s report. Rep. Dent’s report to address one of our state’s most alarming issues and help to spur solutions.
Wildfires second largest carbon emitter in 2015
The Washington forestry community has lost a good friend. We are saddened to hear that Sherry Fox, a tree farmer in Lewis County and former member of the Washington Forest Practices Board, recently passed away.Sherry
As state, local and federal leaders continue to take stock after this year’s horrendous wildfire season, the calls for more active management of our state and federal forests are getting louder and louder.The Ellensburg (Wash.)
New website touts benefits of building with wood
How to Fight Climate Change with Wood by Bruce Lippke
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 4, 2014 Contact: Cindy Mitchell, 360-791-9372 Gov. Jay Inslee to headline annual state forestry meeting Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is the keynote speaker this week at the 106th annual meeting
Gov. Inslee designates 720,000 acres of federal land for prioritized forest health treatment. The Agricultural Act of 2014, commonly known as the Farm Bill, authorized governors to identify insect and disease treatment areas within national
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 20, 2013 Contact: Cindy Mitchell, 360-791-9372 Wood building and forestry education explored at annual state forestry meeting Wood should be the material of the future for many of the world’s
WFPA 2013 Annual Meeting Registration
Press Releases Jaime Herrera Beutler | Congresswoman for the 3rd District of Washington Jaime Herrera Beutler, Bipartisan Group of House and Senate Lawmakers Introduce Silviculture Regulatory Consistency Act Washington, May 16 ‐ A bipartisan group
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 2, 2013 Contact: Cindy Mitchell, 360‐791‐9372 Tree farmers in Grays Harbor and Thurston counties win Washington Tree Farmer of the Year OLYMPIA – Ken and Bonnie Miller, who have owned
Editorial: Working Forest, Protected Forest Along King County’s White River