Explore Forest Activities

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Tree Species

12 votes, 4.7 avg

Tree Species Quiz

Identify some of the tree species from Washington state.

1 / 7

2 / 7

3 / 7

4 / 7

5 / 7

6 / 7

7 / 7

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6 votes, 4.7 avg

Forest Management Quiz

Identify these forest management and sawmill activities.

1 / 7

2 / 7

3 / 7

4 / 7

5 / 7

6 / 7

7 / 7

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age of a tree

15 votes, 3.1 avg

How to Tell the Age of a Tree

What is the age of this tree?

1 / 4

What is an increment borer?

2 / 4

What is the top of a Douglas-fir tree called?

3 / 4

What are the growth rings of a tree?

4 / 4

What are the three ways to tell the age of a tree?

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7 votes, 3.6 avg

Using Wood Products Helps Climate Change

How do working forests and wood products reduce global warming?

1 / 4

How does wood products help reduce global warming?

2 / 4

What is the best way to keep forests helping to reduce our carbon emissions?

3 / 4

Science from the University of Washington says Washington's private working forests and wood products reduce our state's carbon emissions each year by...?

4 / 4

How do managed forests help reduce global warming?

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The average score is 62%



30 votes, 3.8 avg

Dendrology - the study of trees

Can you identify the scientific name of these trees?

1 / 7

Picea sitchensis

2 / 7

Alnus rubra

3 / 7

Tsuga heterophylla

4 / 7

Taxus brevifolia

5 / 7

Pinus ponderosa

6 / 7

Thuja plicata

7 / 7

Pseudotsuga menziesii

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16 votes, 3.4 avg

Wildlife Detective

Can you identify the wildlife in the forest?

1 / 4

Which of these is evidence of wildlife in the forest?

2 / 4

What are the different ways to detect wildlife in the forest?

3 / 4

How many species of amphibians live in Washington state?

4 / 4

What are cavity nesters?

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The average score is 76%


Type of Tree

118 votes, 4.1 avg

What Type of Tree is This?

Can you identify these Washington state trees?

1 / 7

2 / 7

3 / 7

4 / 7

5 / 7

6 / 7

7 / 7

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20 votes, 3.1 avg


Can you answer these questions about how sustainable forestry protects the environment?

1 / 4

How is carbon stored in wood?

2 / 4

Which products from the forest can easily be recycled?

3 / 4

Wood products are more energy efficient than other building materials because:

4 / 4

Growing forests and wood products help our environment by:

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The average score is 69%



13 votes, 4.7 avg

Wood Products

Why do we need wood products?

1 / 5

What game was bigfoot playing with Kelly that is made out of wood?

2 / 5

Which state grows the most wood products in America?

3 / 5

How much carbon does wood store?

4 / 5

Why should we use wood products made from trees?

5 / 5

Which of these products have wood in them?

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The average score is 61%



33 votes, 4 avg

Forest Regions

What is unique about each forest region?

1 / 5

What are the characteristics of the growing regions?

2 / 5

Which region has diverse habitats because of the wide variety of climates and elevations?

3 / 5

Which region has the most rainfall, more than 10 feet per year?

4 / 5

Which region features ponderosa pine?

5 / 5

What is a temperate climate?

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The average score is 58%



23 votes, 4.2 avg

Forest Layers

See if you can answer these questions about the forest layers.

1 / 5

What is the difference between the understory and the forest floor?

2 / 5

What type of animals live in the forest Canopy?

3 / 5

What are the typical insects and animals that live in the subfloor, underneath the ground?

4 / 5

What are the different forest layers?

5 / 5

Which forest layer looks like it touches the sky?

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The average score is 72%
